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Album: How Far Shallow Takes You (2000)
Artists: Gob

  1. 236 E. Broadway
  2. Beauville
  3. Burying Your Past
  4. License From A Cereal Box
  5. My Feelings
  6. Naked
  7. Nothing New
  8. OK
  9. On These Days...
  10. Reign On Your Parade
  11. Self Appointed Leader
  12. Stand And Deliver
  13. Suds
  14. The Mend
  15. Things Happen All The Time
  16. Together
  17. What To Do

How Far Shallow Takes You
The Mend
it's time to think about vital parts
and values to start to focus my attention on what makes me happy.
advice and tips on some better way's to keep a friend
straight from your pretty face to make a point of making contact.
i want to share things with those i care about, i've got so much in me.
i want to soak up what's pouring out from those who care about me.
i'm certain this time i'll make the change,
i'll at least try.

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