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Album: How Far Shallow Takes You (2000)
Artists: Gob

  1. 236 E. Broadway
  2. Beauville
  3. Burying Your Past
  4. License From A Cereal Box
  5. My Feelings
  6. Naked
  7. Nothing New
  8. OK
  9. On These Days...
  10. Reign On Your Parade
  11. Self Appointed Leader
  12. Stand And Deliver
  13. Suds
  14. The Mend
  15. Things Happen All The Time
  16. Together
  17. What To Do

How Far Shallow Takes You
Stand And Deliver
where it all began cause i don't even know
but the shit keeps piling on top you don't make amends
and i don't understand and you don't even really know me.
someone's holding on to me i think i really should calm down
i can feel my adrenaline running thought my veins and blood.
sometimes you can lose control and they don't understand they take you
for a ride and then they want to hold you hand.
you fought you screamed and they don't even know
what you really have in store you hear all the shit
and you don't fucking care you just have to ignore
where it all began cause i don't even know but the shit keeps piling
on top you don't make amends and i don't understand
and you don't even really know me. someone's holding on to me
i think i really should calm down i can feel my adrenaline
they feed you full of shit that you already know they take you
for a ride and then they want to hold your hand.

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