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Album: How Far Shallow Takes You (2000)
Artists: Gob

  1. 236 E. Broadway
  2. Beauville
  3. Burying Your Past
  4. License From A Cereal Box
  5. My Feelings
  6. Naked
  7. Nothing New
  8. OK
  9. On These Days...
  10. Reign On Your Parade
  11. Self Appointed Leader
  12. Stand And Deliver
  13. Suds
  14. The Mend
  15. Things Happen All The Time
  16. Together
  17. What To Do

How Far Shallow Takes You
Reign On Your Parade
fractured life your silence heard.
it's what you didn't want what other didn't see.
painful past you'd rather die than try to explain how it hurts inside.
don't you think their future's filled with dire problems?
you clench your fist you close your eyes.
don't point the blame you might find yourself the same.
you terrify you dare deny this poor kids life there's not much more
to identify when something's wrong the end is near
there's not much more that i can do.
you took it all their innocence left behind
with scars and shameful tears it doesn't need to be this way
it seems that it will never go away

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