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Album: How Far Shallow Takes You (2000)
Artists: Gob

  1. 236 E. Broadway
  2. Beauville
  3. Burying Your Past
  4. License From A Cereal Box
  5. My Feelings
  6. Naked
  7. Nothing New
  8. OK
  9. On These Days...
  10. Reign On Your Parade
  11. Self Appointed Leader
  12. Stand And Deliver
  13. Suds
  14. The Mend
  15. Things Happen All The Time
  16. Together
  17. What To Do

How Far Shallow Takes You
i break the bones to pieces in my hands my clenching fingers,
were you the same all along? did i just get bored?
why did i push you away?
i still sit plagues with questions, your actions, your intentions,
why couldn't you just talk to me?
was it that i just couldn't smile anymore?
tired of keeping it inside so i failed at you
and now i pass out every night i associate the worst things
with your face and i know you're at a loss from what
you threw away i just wish that you had left my innocence.
even now i still wonder how you are truly concerned
that you're well even though you put me through this
because i see that it's better off this way
when i think that it is right and i know that i'm ok.

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