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Album: Banba (1993)
Artists: Clannad

  1. Banba Oir
  2. Banba Oir (English)
  3. Caide Sin Do'n Te Sin
  4. Caide Sin Do'n Te Sin (English)
  5. I Will Find You
  6. Mystery Game
  7. Na Laethe Bhi
  8. Na Leethe Bhi
  9. Na Leethe Bhi (English)
  10. Other Side, The
  11. Soul Seacher
  12. Soul Searcher
  13. Struggle
  14. Sunset Dreams
  15. The Other Side
  16. There For You

There For You
Everything is foolhardy
And never is so good
Who will need an explanation
If all is understood

This time has come again
It's all shining through
This one will be forever
And I'll be there for you

It was just midnight
Feeling was so high
Dancing on a crest of a wave
Your eyes met mine
Leaving those cares behind us
Dancing in the mood

A certain combination
Near impossible to find
Rolling on stormy weather
Such a fine line
Striving to a seventh heaven
Knowing that we could

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