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Album: Miscellaneous (2006)
Artists: Sesame Street

  1. 14 Carrot Love
  2. A Bark In The Dark
  3. A Face
  4. A Little Bit (At The Beginning)
  5. A New Way To Walk
  6. A, You're Adorable
  8. Above It All
  9. Achoo!
  10. Adding
  11. Adventure
  12. African Alphabet
  13. Ain't No Road Too Long
  14. Air
  15. All By Myself
  16. All By Myself ... Well, Why Not?
  17. All Dressed Up
  18. Alphabet Bully
  19. Alphabet Jungle
  20. Alphabet Soup
  21. Alphaquest
  22. Among The Americans
  23. Animal Department Store
  24. As Is
  25. Ask Some Questions
  26. B Is For Bubble
  27. B Or Not A B
  28. Baby Blankie Blues
  29. Baby, Say it Loud!
  30. Bats In My Belfry
  31. Rubber Duckie
  32. Rubber Duckie (Little Richard's Version)
  33. Rubber Ducky
  34. Sesame Street Theme
  35. The Alligator King
  36. The Alphabet
  37. The Alphabet Song
  38. The Ankle, The Shoulder, And The Knee
  39. The Baker
  40. The Ball Goes Up
  41. The Ballad Of Casey Macphee
  42. The Ballad Of The Sad Cafe
  43. The Batty Bat

Sesame Street
Alphabet Jungle
Background voices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S,
T, U, V,
W, X, Y, Z!
Alphabet jungle
Alphabet jungle
Alphabet jungle
Let me take you to the
Alphabet jungle
Follow me from A to Z

Little girl: A is swinging like an ape
B gives a big bad roar
C is swimming by a crocodile
Wait, there's a whole lot more!

D takes a dive
E's getting splashed
By an elephant and his trunk
F and G stepped into quicksand
Now they're really sunk!

H is hungry as a hippo
I is swatting flies
J and K are playing jumping jacks
Underneath the jungle skies

L is lounging by the river
M's melting from the heat
The letter N comes out at night
And dances to the jungle beat

O is riding on an ostrich
P leads a parrot parade
Q got crushed by a rhinoceros
And R is running away

The letter S is really scared
Because of what it sees:
A t-t-t-t-t-tarantula
Is crawling 'cross the T's!

The letter U's unusual
It likes to hang around
V points the way to the waterfall
Where the W's are sliding down

X marks the spot where a treasure chest
Of Y's lies patiently
And right behind that zebra
Is a snoring letter Z

Background voices: Alphabet jungle
Alphabet jungle

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