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Album: Second Fiddle (1939) (2002)
Artists: Berlin Irving

  1. An Old-Fashioned Tune Always Is New
  2. Back To Back
  3. I Poured My Heart Into A Song
  4. I'm Sorry For Myself
  5. Old-Fashioned Tune Always Is New, An
  6. The Song Of The Metronome
  7. When Winter Comes

Berlin Irving
Second Fiddle (1939)
Back To Back
There's nothing new beneath the sun
Except the new dance I've invented
And it's really lots of fun
Come on now, take your place
And soon you'll get the knack
You don't stand face to face
You do it back to back

Dancing back to back
Takes you off the beaten track
You don't look at your partner at all
When you dance back to back

That's that new attack
That the other dances lack
You can see what goes on in the hall
When you dance back to back

Your partner won't see you
Make eyes at who's dancing by
Your partner won't mind it
She's doing the same, that's why

You must dance back to back
Let me place you in the pack
Cut the cards and I'll deal you a queen and a jack
Back to back

Take your partner on the floor and stand back to back
Hold your partner gently by the hand back to back
After you have done it
You'll get hep to the knack
'Stead of steppin' front to front
You step back to back

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