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Album: Schoolhouse Rock 2 (2005)
Artists: Various Artists

  1. A Victim Of Gravity
  2. Do The Circulation
  3. Elementary, My Dear
  4. Fireworks
  5. Little Twelvetoes
  6. Lucky Seven Sampson
  7. Mother Necessity
  8. Naughty Number Nine
  9. Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla
  10. Telegraph Line
  11. The Body Machine
  12. The Energy Blues
  13. The Good Eleven
  14. The Great American Melting Pot
  15. The Preamble
  16. Them Not-So-Dry Bones
  17. Verb: That's What's Happening

Various Artists
Schoolhouse Rock 2
Lucky Seven Sampson
Lyrics & Music by: Bob Dorough
Performed by: Bob Dorough

Now you can call me lucky,'cause Lucky's my name.
Singin'and dancin', that's my game.
I never did a whole day's work in my life,
Still everything seems to turn out right.
Like a grasshopper on a summer's day,
I just love to play
And pass the time away,
'Cause I was born 'neath a lucky star.
They said I'd go far.

Makin' people happy, that's my favorite game.
Lucky Seven is my natural name.
Slippin' and slidin' my whole life through,
Still I get everything done that I got to do,
'Cause I was born 'neath a lucky star.

School is where you are?
Aw, that's not hard.
Let me show you something.

You multiply 7 x 1,
I got 7 days to get that problem done.
Multiply 7 x 2,
Take 14 laughs When you're feeling blue.
Multiply 7 x 3,
A 21 -day vacation you can play with me.
Multiply 7 x 4,
You got 28 days (that's a one month more)
To pay the mortgage on your store.
Don't worry. Something will turn up!

Multiply 7 x 5,
I don't know how you did it, but man alive, that's 35.
Multiply 7 x 6,
Grab a stick and make a 42 cliCkety-clicks.
Multiply 7 x 7,
Take 49 steps right up to seventh heaven.
Multiply 7 x 8,
They got 56 flavors and I just can't wait.
Multiply 7 x 9,
63 musicians, all friends of mine.
Multiply 7 x 10,
And that brings you right back to 70 again.

You know, I think that's important.
There's a trick there somewhere.

Multiply 7 x 11,
Even a rabbit knows that's 70 plus 7.
Multiply 7 x 12,
You got 84, and isn't that swell.
I'm gonna try 7 x 13, just for fun,
70 plus 21.
7x 14 must be great.
Well, exactly, that's a 70 plus 28.
7 x 15, man alive
That's 70 plus 35 ... 105!

Man, this stuff is simple-no jive.
You got it, now I gotta fly.
Excuse me folks, I'm saying good-bye.
I sure do thank you for the huckleberry pie.
Take it home, boys.

Remember Lucky Seven Sampson that's my
natural-born name. if you should ask me again, I'd have
to tell you the same. You'll wake up tomorrow, you'll be
glad that I came 'Cause you'll be singin' one of the
songs that I sang. So keep a happy outlook and be
good to your friend, and maybe I'll pass this way again.



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