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Album: Young People (1940) (2009)
Artists: Temple Shirley

  1. Fifth Avenue
  2. I Wouldn't take a Million
  3. Tra-La La La
  4. Young People

Temple Shirley
Young People (1940)
I Wouldn't take a Million
Lyrics/Music Mack Gordon/Harry Warren

I don't care for treasures
I don't ask for fame
Or the fortunes others may possess
You're my only treasure
You're my claim to fame
My career is here in your caress

(Jack Oakie)
I wouldn't take a million for a girl like you
I wouldn't take a million for the things you do
If they offered me a mansion in the finest part of town
If you're not in that mansion, then I would turn it down
I wouldn't take a million for the twinkle in your eyes
I'd rather win a smile from you than win the Nobel Prize
If I were just a pauper and I didn't have a sou
I still would have a million if I just had you

I wouldn't take a million for a Mom and Dad like you
I wouldn't take a million for the little things you do
If they offered me a mansion in the finest part of town
If you're not in that mansion, then I would turn it down
I wouldn't take a million for the moments we have known
I'd rather sit upon your knee than on a royal throne
If I could rub Aladdin's lamp to make a wish come true
I'd wish that ev'ry kid could have a Mom and Dad like you

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