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Album: Miscellaneous (2008)
Artists: Phish

  1. AC/DC Bag
  2. Alumni Blues
  3. Avinu Malkenu
  4. Axilla
  5. Big Black Furry Creature from Mars
  6. Blue and Lonesome
  7. Brother
  8. Buffalo Bill
  9. Carolina On My Mind
  10. Colonel Forbin's Ascent
  11. Colonel Forbin's Ascent Narrative - version1
  12. Colonel Forbin's Ascent Narrative - version2
  13. Cracklin' Rosie
  14. Daniel Saw the Stone
  15. Dear Mrs. Reagan
  16. Destiny Unbound Modifications
  17. Dog Log (or Doggone Dog)
  18. Free Bird
  19. Fuck Your Face
  20. Guelah Papyrus
  21. Halley's Comet
  22. Harpua
  23. I Didn't Know
  24. Icculus
  25. If I Only had a Brain
  26. Kung
  27. Language Instructions
  28. Lizards
  29. Love You
  30. Loving Cup
  31. McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters
  32. My Mind's Got a Mind of its Own
  33. N.I.C.U.
  34. Nellie Kane
  35. No Dogs Allowed
  36. Old Home Place
  37. Paul and Silas
  38. Possum
  39. Sloth
  40. Tela
  41. The Curtain
  42. The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday
  43. What's The Matter Here?

Language Instructions
There are always two signals in any given "sign."
The first says,"listen up!
I'm gonna say something!!"
The second tells what to do.
The first is always the same.
The second is the variable.
In some cases
(asshole in the front row)

the second actually leads
to a third,
but this is usually not the case.
The first signal is a high pitched trill,
usually carried for twomeasures.
Anyone--Trey, Mike or Page may do it
(But not Fish:
"Fish talks so much in real life that we don't let him talk here!"--Trey).

If the jam is really hectic, the signal is different.
It is a one measure figure which sounds like CCCC/Bb Bb/G G/Bb
(slash = beat division),
although it changes with different keys.
This used to be the signal
(listen to old bootlegs),
but is usedonly rarely now.

The second signal:
here is a catalogue of signals based on Trey'sintro,
and on my own observations:

1) Simpsons theme song (you know!):
Everyone goes "D'OH!!"

2) Music to "To everything, turn, turn, turn":
Everyone turns around and screams.

3) Four falling notes:
a one measure figure, each note is bent down to the next
(on the guitar, anyway):
everyone falls down.

4) Triplets of a strange sounding altered chord on beats 1,3,1,3
(two measures):
point to asshole in the front row.
(What do they do after this?
Anyone at Portsmouth that can explain the cheering?)

5) One measure figure that sounds like zip zip zip zip!
(i.e. hand slides up the fretboard very quickly 4x):
Band immediately plays a four bar waltz stomp.

6) music to "it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing):
band cuts immediately to swing beat.

7) scraping sound on the guitar
(similar to #5, except that scrapes are lower pitched, and go both down and up the fretboard):
everyone shouts, "AWWW FUCK!"

8) Circus theme
(listen to the intro to esther--but note!
This is not a signal!
It lacks the first part--the attention getter.):
everyone sings a random note.

That's all I have been able to decipher up to this point,
although I suspect the presence of at least two more:
One that just says,stop and freeze!
One that says, stop and wave your hands up anddown wildly
(the strobes come on for this one).

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