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Album: They're All Gonna Laugh At You! (1993)
Artists: Sandler Adam

  1. Assistant Principal's Big Day
  2. At A Medium Pace
  3. Buddy
  4. Fatty Mcgee
  5. Food Innuendo Guy
  6. I'm So Wasted
  7. Lunchlady Land
  8. Mr. Spindel's Phone Call
  9. My Little Chicken
  10. Oh Mom
  11. Right Field
  12. Teenage Love On The Phone
  13. The Beating Of A High School Bus Driver
  14. The Beating Of A High School Janitor Performed By
  15. The Beating Of A High School Science Teacher
  16. The Beating Of A High School Spanish Teacher
  17. The Buffoon And The Dean Of Admissions
  18. The Buffoon And The Valedictorian
  19. The Cheerleader
  20. The Longest Pee
  21. The Thanksgiving Song Performed By Adam Sandler
  22. Toll Booth Willie

Sandler Adam
They're All Gonna Laugh At You!
Oh Mom
[Silverware clicking]
M1: "Can you pass the beats please?"
F1: "Here you go"
M1: "Thanks"
Brad: "Hey Mom, guess what? I got invited to a party tonight! And I'm
gonna go if that's ok with you."
Mom: "NOOO!!"
Brad: "Why not Mom?"
F1: "Yeah, why mom? He should go."
Brad: "It's gonna be fun. I'll get to meet new people..."
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
Brad: "Oh mom..."
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
F1: "Don't wory Brad."

F2: "Hey mom, I saw this great skirt at the mall today, but it was $34,
which isn't that high of a price, but I was nervous to buy it. What do
you think?
Mom: "NOOO!!"
F2: "Really? I really like it..."
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
F2: "Oh mom, who is?"
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
F2: "Mom, you're so paranoid."
Mom: "NOOO!!"

M3: "Hey mom, I gotta get up pretty early tommorrow for Little League
Mom: "NOOO!!"
M3: "Yeah, I have to be at the field at 9 o'clock..."
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
M3: "Do you think you could drop me off there?..."
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
M3: "How am I gonna get there?"
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
M3: "I'll walk I guess."
Mom: "NOOO!!"

Cindy: "Mom, can you pass the salad dressing?"
Mom: "NOOO!!"
Cindy: "Please?"
Mom: "NOOO!!"
Cindy: "Come on, mom."
Mom: "NOOO!!"
Brad: "I'll get it for you Cindy."
Cindy: "Thanks Brad."
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
Cindy: "Thanks for the tip, Ma."
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"

Brad: "Hey everyone, let's just go out for ice cream."
Mom: "NOOO!!"
Brad: "Why are we eating inside? It's a beautiful night. We need to get
out more."
Mom: "NOOO!!"
Cindy: "Mother, Brad is right."
Mom: "NOOO!!"
Cindy: "We should go out, it'll be fun."
Mom: "NOOO!!"
Cindy: "Come on, let's go, I could go for some Maple Walnut."
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
M3: "Yeah, we haven't gone out together in a long time."
Mom: "NOOO!!"
Cindy: "You wanna come Dave?"
Mom: "NOOO!!"
Dave: "No, I'll hang out with mom."
M1: "You sure?"
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
Dave: "Yeah, go without me."
M3: "All right, see you guys later."
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"

Dave: "How are you, mom? Great meal tonight. Sure is... You sure know
how to cook! Boy, oh boy, you're quite a lady. Say mom, uhm, can I go
canoeing next weekend with my friend Barry?"
Mom: "NOOO!!"
Dave: "Please?"
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
Dave: "Mom, you're over reacting!"
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
Dave: "Why are you so overprotective!?"
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
Dave: "Mom! I'm going to the ice cream place! You're just so set in your
ways it drives me crazy!"
[Bangs on the table, gets up]
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at you!"
[Screen door closes]
Mom: "They're all gonna laugh at him!"

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