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Album: Wild Wild West (1988)
Artists: Escape Club

  1. Goodbye Joey Rae
  2. Jealousy
  3. Only The Rain
  4. Shake For The Shiek
  5. Staring At The Sun
  6. The Longest Day
  7. Walking Through Walls
  8. Who Do You Love?
  9. Wild Wild West
  10. Working For The Fat Man

Escape Club
Wild Wild West
Tonight I lie in bed
dreams runnin round
and around my head
I feel so hot
I feel so low
seems those dreams won't let me go
won't fade out
won't let me be
so bad it's killing me
dragging me down
my jealousy

love is cruel and love is blind
love is creeping from behind

hot nights full of flames
burning me up
with her free fall games
I feel so hot
I feel so low
when those memories
won't let me go
won't fade out
won't let me be
so bad it's killing me
dragging me down
my jealousy

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