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Album: P.u.n.k. Girl (1995)
Artists: Heavenly

  1. Atta Girl
  2. Dig Your Own Grave
  3. Hearts And Crosses
  4. P.u.n.k. Girl
  5. So

P.u.n.k. Girl
Atta Girl
Cathyıs part :
Yeah I always act so dumb
seem to fuck things up for fun
just canıt stop myself behaving
like my head needs rearranging

i loved you a bit too much
yeah but shouldnıt you be touched?
Seems that all i try to do
Is thrown back in my face by you

Why do you need other friends?
All those boys have their own ends
You just flirt and stay out drunk late
Till Im hurt and feel such dumb hate

I loved you from when we met
thatıs a night i wonıt forget
you came up i was so shy
i spilled my drink and almost cried

then after weıd been in love
for a year youıd had enough
Upped and left and walked out on me
Whoıs have guessed youıd turn out so mean?

What did I ever get from you?
Not enough to see me through
Never ever love enough
For confidence to make me tough

Honey please come back I miss you
yeah come here so i can kiss you
and i know you wanted this too
oh no please come back or iıll die
do you want to make a girl cry
or at least canıt you tell me why?

You keep treating me like a fucking idiot
But I love you too much
O I donıt know

Ameliaıs part
When you act so hopeless
Hopelessly in love
In fact I forget
Forget youıre grown up
No I could never live up to all your dreams
I donıt have to be cute right through and
Canıt you concentrate on something other than me?

Cos Iım not yours
And never will be now
Youıve shown me how you are
If I speak to another
Oh canıt you see
Youıve shown me how you are
Youıre jealous and how far
You tried so hard to smother

When we met
I thought that
that you were my dream
but yet it now seems
seems you turned out mean
how did you ever deserve so much from me?
I donıt need you or your attitude and
Canıt you just forget now that you ever met me?

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