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Album: Distorted Lullabies (2001)
Artists: Ours

  1. As I Wander
  2. Bleed
  3. Dancing Alone
  4. Dizzy
  5. Drowning
  6. Fallen Souls
  7. Here Is The Light
  8. I'm A Monster
  9. Medication
  10. Meet Me In The Tower
  11. Miseryhead
  12. Sometimes

Distorted Lullabies
Here Is The Light
The deepest repent is coming tonight, I turn off the light
Don't leave yet... repeated
A pale colored boy, and sister are cheated

The needle will bite and sting
When we will arrive, we'll bring...

Peace in this evening, I turned on the light and everyone's grieving
Here is the light Oh let it shine through me
Here is the light Oh let it burn and burn

The needle will bite and sting
When we will arrive, we'll bring...

The needle will bite and sting
When we will arrive, we'll bring
This torturous cycle to burn, burn, burn
When we will arrive, we'll sing

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