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Album: 4-Track Demos (1993)
Artists: Harvey PJ

  1. Driving
  2. Easy
  3. Ecstasy
  4. Goodnight
  5. Hardly Wait
  6. Hook
  7. Legs
  8. M-Bike
  9. Reelin'
  10. Rid of Me
  11. Rub 'Til It Bleeds
  12. Snake
  13. Yuri-G

Harvey PJ
4-Track Demos
I wanna bathe in milk
Eat grapes
Robert DeNiro sit on my face
I can't sleep for thinking
Set my head a reeling

I wanna go to Spain
Spend nights
Just sipping on nectar and ice
No, I can't sleep for thinking
Set my head a reeling

Living in a horse race
Wanna make the shit hit the fan
No, I can't sleep for thinking
Set my head a reeling

Even Aphrodite
She got nothing on me

Take me to the moon
Take me to the moon
Fly me to the moon
Take me to the moon...

Die my hair on stage


Even Aphrodite
She'll have nothing on me

Take me to the moon
Take me to the moon
Fly me to the moon
Take me to the moon...

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