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Album: OK Now (2008)
Artists: Jon McLaughlin

  1. Always On My Mind
  2. Beating My Heart
  3. Dance Your Life Away
  4. Four Years
  5. I'm Talking To You
  6. Smack Into You
  7. The Middle
  8. Things That You Say
  9. Throw My Love Around
  10. We All Need Saving
  11. You Are The One I Love
  12. You Can Never Go Back

She has the power
With every move
she makes
To turn my eyes
And to turn my fate
To be here, to be here
But i am a liar
The promises
i've made
have broken down
with my broken way
but i'll be here,
i'll be here

And as long as i am
I'm gonna throw
my love around

I see all the people
with broken hearts
In an unfriendly world
who cares who you are?
And it's not fair,
they don't care
But you are
here for me
I am part
of the life
you're leading
So i won't move
without you

I'm gonna throw
my love around

I'll be
what i have to
I'll be
what i have to be


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