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Album: Miscellaneous (2001)
Artists: Absu

  1. A Magician'S Lapis-Lazuli
  2. A Quest Into The 77th Novel
  3. A Shield with an Iron Face
  4. Akhera Goiti - Akhera Beiti (One Black Opalith For Tomorrow)
  5. An Equinox Of Fathomless Disheartenment
  6. An Evolution Of Horns
  7. An Involution Of Thorns
  8. Apzu
  9. Customs Of Tasseomancy (Quoth The Sky, Nevermore) Act I
  10. Cyntefyn's Fountain
  11. Descent To Acheron (Evolving Into The Progression Of Woe)
  12. Fantasizing To The Third Of The Pagan Vision (Quoth The Sky, Nevermore Act II)
  13. Feis Mor Tir Na N'og (Across The North Sea To Visnech)
  14. Four Crossed Wands (Spell 181)
  15. From Ancient Times (Starless Skies Burn to Ash)
  16. Groove Dub
  17. Hallstatt
  18. Highland Tyrant Attack
  19. Infinite And Profane Thrones
  20. Intelligence Towards The Crown
  21. Manannan
  22. Manann¡n
  23. Morbid Scream
  24. Never Blow Out the Eastern Candle
  25. Our Lust For Lunar Plains (Nox Luna Inlustris)
  26. Pillars of Mercy
  27. Prelusion To Cythraul
  28. She Cries the Quiet Lake
  29. Stone of Destiny (...for Magh Slecht and Ard Righ)
  30. Swords And Leather
  31. Terminus (...In The Eyes Of Ioldanach)
  32. The Cognate House of Courtly Witches Lies West of County Meath
  33. The Coming Of War
  34. The Sun Of Tiphareth
  35. The Thrice Is Greatest To Ninnigal
  36. The Winter Zephyr
  37. Vorago (Spell 182)


[Manann¡n's Notions from Emain Ablhach:]
I am a wave: on the rapt Cythr¡ul
I am a flood: across the croggy plain
I am a wind: of seven gales
I am a tear: the Sun lets fall

[Chorus I:]
I am
Mac Lir
Noble warrior of lycanthropy
I am
High King
To shake thy cloak shall bring outbreak

I am a tide: that drags to engulfment
I am a current: a compass towards Visnech
I am a tempest: the onslaught of outburst
I am a zephyr: theirs is second pain

[Chorus II:]
I am Manann¡n
Mac Lir
Avatar from sail to sea
Thy horse
Grand Steed
Chariots forever lead

I am an ocean's womb: of all abysms
I am a blaze: for every burning bathym
I am a lure: of the plumbless benthos
I am a breaker: bottomlessness doom

[Chorus III:]
I am
Mac Lir
Shape-changer; Lar of deep
Thy sword
"The Answerer..."

Remember me, thou art all wind
And back with gusts thou shalt return

I'm the hawk: above this cliff, behind the waves
I'm the thorn: exude this rose, yet fleece the sky

I'm the hill: where poets walk and Tara lies
I'm the throne: from a tantalizing glimpse

[Repeat 4th & 5th Verse]

[Chorus IV:]
Hear the thunder roll
I am
And fear the sky shall fall [x5]

[Repeat Chorus IV]

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