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Album: This
Artists: Arcwelder

  1. Arc Welder
  2. Blue
  3. It Won't Change
  4. Living Legend
  5. Moment Of Passion
  6. Pint Of Blood
  7. This
  8. Understanding
  9. What Am I Supposed To Do?
  10. What Have I Done To Me?

(w graber)
Such a very long time (s macdonald)
It saddens me to see it go 'cus i've been waiting such a long time
And i already miss it so because it's only been a short while
It's walked away it's disappeared but i've been waiting such a long time
It's gone away for good i fear and it's only been a short while

And i've been waiting such a long time
And i've been waiting such a long time

Such a very long time (time)

My only chance in many years and i'm about to lose it now
I'm unaccustomed to the tears that want to flow out
I feel like i'm an amateur playing in the major leagues
I always feel so insecure and all i want to do is scream
And i've been waiting such a long time
And i've been waiting such a long time

Such a very long time (time)

My face is white and my shoes are black and all the rest of me is gray
And i can't get my colors back because it's thrown them all away
I want it to come back right now because it's only been a short while
I lie awake and wonder how i could have waited such a long time
And i've been waiting such a long time
And i've been waiting such a long time

Such a very long time (time)
Such a very long time (time)

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