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Album: And You Think You Know What Life's About (1998)
Artists: Dishwalla

  1. 5 Star Day
  2. Bottom Of The Floor
  3. Gone Upside Down
  4. Healing Star
  5. Once In A While
  6. Pop Guru
  7. So Blind
  8. So Much Time
  9. Stay Awake
  10. The Bridge Song
  11. Truth Serum
  12. Until I Wake Up

And You Think You Know What Life's About
Pop Guru
Sign up for a lecture with a man in a trance
You'll see the saints are all a step below the masters
Listen and believe what you're going to receive
And maybe you'll avoid the next disaster

Pop Guru's got a message for you
And we're all following
We're all following

Keep your power and your promise
And erase all your sins
And you can be all priestesses and healers
If they can be divine, then so can you
And so are all the prostitutes and dealers

While angels move like photons
The skeptics persist
If you want a past life you can have one
Swimming in the gene pool before we exist
Do you have your rubber gloves on?

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