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Album: Miscellaneous (1986)
Artists: Gabriel Peter

  1. Across The River
  2. Biko (German)
  3. Curtains
  4. Das Fischernetz
  5. Der Rhythmus Der Hitze
  6. Don't Break This Rhythm
  7. Du Bist Nicht Wie Wir
  8. Ein Normales Leben
  9. Eindringling
  10. Frag Mich Nicht Immer
  11. Handauflegen
  12. I Go Swimming
  13. In Your Eyes (Special Mix)
  14. Keine Selbstkontrolle
  15. Kon-Takt!
  16. Lovetown
  17. Mundzumundbeatmung
  18. Nicht Die Erde Hat Dich Verschluckt
  19. Quiet Steam
  20. San Jacinto
  21. Schnappschuss (Ein Familienfoto)
  22. Schock Den Affen
  23. Shaking The Tree
  24. Spiel Ohne Grenzen
  25. This Is The Picture
  26. Und Durch Den Draht
  27. Walk Through The Fire

Gabriel Peter
Shaking The Tree
We are shaking the tree...

Waiting your time, dreaming of a better life
Waiting your time, you're more than just a wife
You don't want to do what your mother has done
She has done
This is your life, this new life has begun
It's your day - a woman's day
It's your day - a woman's day

Turning the tide, you are on the incoming wave
Turning the tide, you know you are nobody's slave
Find your sisters and brothers who can hear all the truth
In what you say
They can support you when you're on your way
It's your day - a woman's day
It's your day - a woman's day

We are shaking the tree...

Changing your ways, changing those surrounding you
Changing your ways, more than any man can do
Open your heart, show him the anger and pain
So you heal
Maybe he's looking for his womanly side

And you feel you had to be so strong
And you do nothing wrong, nothing wrong at all
We're gonna to break it down
We have to shake it down, shake it all around

We are shaking the tree...

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