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Album: Salvation in Lights (2007)
Artists: Mike Farris

  1. Can't No Grave Hold My Body Down
  2. Change Is Gonna Come
  3. Devil Don't Sleep
  4. I'll Take You There
  5. I'm Gonna Get There
  6. Lonely Road
  7. Precious Lord, Take My Hand
  8. Selah! Selah!
  9. Sit Down Servant
  10. Streets Of Galilee
  11. Take Me I'll Take You There

O' Mary, Mary
I know just whom you seek,
You seek for Jesus, whom they crucified last week
Now child he's risen from the dead and now he walks the
Streets of Galilee

O' Mary, Mary
Tell the disciples that he is free
Run Mary run

Now he is waiting just for you
Out on the streets of Galilee
Now when they got up to the mountain,
Where he said he'd be
They worshipped and adored him
And said Lord how can this be
"All power is within me"
From sea to shining sea
Now, go tell all the world about me
And tell them that I walk the Streets of Galilee
You can tell them I am alive and doing well
Out on the Streets of Galilee

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