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Album: Bedtime For Democracy (1986)
Artists: Dead Kennedys

  1. A Commercial
  2. Anarchy For Sale
  3. Cesspools In Eden
  4. Dear Abby
  5. Do The Slag
  6. Fleshdunce
  7. Gone With My Wind
  8. Hop With The Jet Set
  9. I Spy
  10. Macho Insecurity
  11. One-Way Ticket To Pluto
  12. Rambozo The Clown
  13. Shrink
  14. Take This Job And Shove It
  15. The Great Wall
  16. Triumph Of The Swill

Dead Kennedys
Bedtime For Democracy
Macho Insecurity
Name one thing on earth lower than a tough guy
Who talks with his fists instead of using his head
Who beats the shit out of anything it can't understand
Behind the muscle mask is a scared little boy

called Macho insecurity
Macho insecurity
Macho insecurity
'Cause you can't stand

Got a bitch with me?
Why won't you say it to my face?
It's so easy to mouth off to others
But where's your proof?
Maybe we can talk if you'd just drop your act
Nothing's ever solved by making childish threats
That's Macho Insecurity

Why do you want people to be so afraid of you?
Why are you so scared of anything that's different?
No one's ever there when you need friends
You wonder why:
It's 'cause you take yourself so seriously
But being such a clown
Gives the rest of us the right to laugh
At your Macho Insecurity
'Cause you can't stand yourself

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