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Album: Rooney (2003)
Artists: Rooney

  1. Blueside
  2. Daisy Duke
  3. I'm a terrible person
  4. I'm shakin'
  5. If it were up to me
  6. Losing All Control
  7. Popstars
  8. Simply Because
  9. Simply Because
  10. Sorry Sorry
  11. Sorry Sorry
  12. Stay Away
  13. That girl has love
  14. That Girl Has Love

Simply Because
can you guess why i haven't called you back
well i said i'm screening calls
even your calls
why am i such a bad guy
i'm just doing other things
like you do other things

i could never really love you
simply because
simply because
i could never really love you
simply because of the trust
of the trust

you're up all night
fixing your hair
but you're not satisfied with that i'm satisfied
i'm doing things like i said before
i'm not partying
i'm parting from the non-creative

i could never really love you
simply because
simply because
yes i could never really love you
simply because of the trust
you've lost my love

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