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Album: Miscellaneous (2009)
Artists: Free Beer No Cover

  1. Anguish
  2. Candyland
  3. Chainsaw
  4. Ha
  5. Inside
  6. Nothing Left
  7. Obvious Admirer
  8. Predetermined destiny from an Undetermined source

Free Beer No Cover
Nothing Left
Love tears at my soul
Life tears at my mind
When I needed you today
You were nowhere I could find

The day wears on and on
Nothing left for me to do
But I sit back and wonder
What did I ever do to you?

I値l die tomorrow
I値l feel no more pain
I値l die someday
You値l feel the same

I escape through a hidden path
That I created for myself
But at the end I see your face
And there痴 no way you can help

I値l die tomorrow
I値l feel no more pain
I値l die someday
You値l feel the same

Cause there痴 too much for you to understand
There痴 too much for you to comprehend
There痴 too many questions I can稚 really answer
But I値l save them for a friend

I値l die tomorrow
I値l feel no more pain
I値l die someday
You値l feel the same

Now the time has come
For us to go our separate ways
A rebirth is in store
To get me through the days

I値l die tomorrow
I値l feel no more pain
I値l die someday
You値l feel the same

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