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Album: Io (1995)
Artists: Project Pitchfork

  1. Antidote
  2. Carrion
  3. Equilibrium
  4. Io (As A Symbol)
  5. Renascence
  6. Terra Incognita
  7. The Gate
  8. The Seeker
  9. The Silverthread
  10. The Swamp Of Secrecy

Project Pitchfork
The Seeker
oliver had a dream . he dreamt that all made sense
everything was very logical . he dreamt of birds and butterflies
of dimensions in a stern structure . and time as the only truth

mislead and blinded . by his logic
caught in a labyrinth of time . neglecting speculations
neglecting timeless existence . oh what a fool he is
answers so near . understanding so far away

oliver was so sure . that everything needs proof . to be true
oliver thinks himself always right . but what can his opinion change
I am so small - he thinks . but oliver when a small stone is thrown
into a quiet lake . the whole sea is moved

oh oliver . there are so many of your kind . too many of your kind

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