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Album: 99.9 F (2009)
Artists: Vega Suzanne

  1. (If You Were) In My Movie
  2. 99 9f
  3. As A Child
  4. As Girls Go
  5. Bad Wisdom
  6. Blood Makes Noise
  7. Blood Sings
  8. Fat Man & Dancing Girl
  9. In Liverpool
  10. Rock In This Pocket
  11. Song Of Sand
  12. When Heroes Go Down

Vega Suzanne
99.9 F
As Girls Go
You make a really good girl
As girls go
Still kind of look like a guy
I never thought to wonder why

If I could pull this off
Would I know for certain
The real situation
Behind the curtain

So beautiful
damsel in distress
Not exactly natural
Stunning none the less

What happened to you?
To make you more girl than girls are
Would you ever show or tell
Cause you're so good so far

You make a really good girl
As girls go
As girls go
As girls go
As girls go
As girls go

Let's chronicle
The dark side of the life
Did you ever keep the date
With the steel side of the knife

Doesn't matter to me
Which side of the line
You happen to be
At any given time

You make a really good girl
As girls go
As girls go
As girls go
As girls go
As girls go

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