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Album: Beneath The Rhythm And Sound (1992)
Artists: Ocean Blue

  1. Bliss Is Unaware
  2. Cathedral Bells
  3. Crash
  4. Don't Believe Everything You Hear
  5. Either, Or
  6. Emotions Ring
  7. Ice Skating At Night
  8. Listen, It's Gone
  9. Peace Of Mind
  10. Sublime
  11. The Relatives

Ocean Blue
Beneath The Rhythm And Sound
Either, Or
So far removed
So in between
So back and forth
Doesn't know where
he's been
When I stopped and
thought about it
When I figured out
When I stopped and
Faced an either/or

So crazy in my head
Over all the things
I've read

So high above
So up in front
So left and right
So and/both
but when I stopped and
thought about it
When I figured out
When I stopped
and thought
Faced the Either/Or

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