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Album: Nadirs Big Chance (1975)
Artists: Hammill Peter

  1. Airport
  2. Been Alone So Long
  3. Birthday Special
  4. Nadir's Big Chance
  5. Nobody's Business
  6. Open Your Eyes (The Locarno Song)
  7. People You Were Going To
  8. Pompeii
  9. Shingle Song
  10. The Institute Of Mental Health, Burning
  11. Two Or Three Spectres

Hammill Peter
Nadirs Big Chance
I stand on the tallest building
and stare down at the grey runway
and the tail-smoke of the Boeing jet
that's taking you so far away.

Believe me, I don't want you to leave me;
look in my eyes and you'll see them
filled with pain.
Imagine just how sad I'll be
in some future day when I turn
and no longer see your face.
All I can now cry is goodbye, love, goodbye.

In a week, in a month, in a year,
in a lifetime how I'll feel none can tell.
All I know is now you're going
there's really no-one here to help.

Believe me.

Already it's too late, you're through the boarding-gate
and walking on the tarmac.
Already you are free, already you've left me
and cannot bear to look back,
can you?

A brief taxi on the runway,
then up into the stilling night sky;
and I'm standing on the observation tower,
my eyes too dimmed by distance to cry.

Believe me.

All I can now do is walk away alone,
without you.

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