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Album: New Dawn (2008)
Artists: Libera

  1. Air
  2. Ave Maria
  3. Gloria
  4. In Paradisum
  5. Jerusalem
  6. Love And Mercy
  7. May The Road Rise Up
  8. Never Be Alone
  9. Orinoco Flow
  10. Rest In Peace
  11. Sancte
  12. Secret
  13. Tallis Canon
  14. The Lamb

Glory to Thee my God this night, for all the blessings of the light
Keep me O keep me, King of Kings, beneath thine own almighty wings

Forgive me Lord, for thy dear Son, the ill that I this day have done
that with the world myself and thee, I ere I sleep at peace may be

Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here below
Praise him above angelic host, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

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