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Album: Miscellaneous (2008)
Artists: All

  1. A Campfire Song
  2. A Muse
  3. Alfredo's
  4. Allthymn
  5. At The Party
  6. Auto Wreck
  7. Better Than That
  8. Box
  9. Breathe
  10. Bubble Gum
  11. Can't Say
  12. Carnage
  13. Carry You
  14. Casual Girl
  15. Check One
  16. Copping Z's
  17. Crawdad
  18. Cyclops
  19. Daveage
  20. Don Quixote
  21. Dot
  22. Drive Away
  23. Educated Idiot
  24. Egg Timer
  25. Empty
  26. Explorador
  27. Face 2 Face
  28. Fairweather Friend
  29. Fool
  30. Freaky
  31. Frog
  32. Good As My Word
  33. Greedy
  34. Guilty
  35. Guitar case
  36. Hey Bug
  37. Honey Peeps
  38. Hooidge
  39. Hot Rod Lincoln
  40. Hotplate
  41. I Hate To Love
  42. I Think The World
  43. I'll Get There


When I was young I wallowed in none
You know none is no way to be
You must go for ALL
Go for ALL and ALL will set you free

If you continue to wallow in noneconcious and hollow
Nonetheless go for ALL and ALLness will follow
ALL, like gravity, is there ALL the time
Applehead Newton was a figment of mind
Run far and wide but you can't hide
We're ALL - we got no sense of pride!
We won't exercise undue force
Or engage in somenatious intercourse

ALLulations to the ALL-worthy
ALL is ALL you need
It's the fifth primary colour
It's the number between zero and infinity
Some would have you settle for itself
When ALL is in your grasp

When I was young I wallowed in none
You know none is no way to be
Now I go for ALL!
Go for ALL and ALL will set you free

Don't mistake ALL for love or hate
It's not like any other mental state
It's the total extent, when nothing else remains
The utmost possible of possible gains
There'll be no selfishness, evil, or greed
ALL don't care about your race or creed
ALL is ALL you have to do
Cause anything else would be A.U.
I was a non entity once
Then I receive a revALLution
It made me re evALLuate my way of life
I ALLivated my outlook
Some daid I had ALLterior motives
They were right
My life started ALL over again
It's ALL up to you
But are you up to ALL?
Ye must quest ALL
Lest ye become somefull
Or something of a noneskull
Saying something that is nonesense

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