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Album: Volta (2007)
Artists: Bjork

  1. Declare Independence
  2. Dull Flame of Desire
  3. Earth Intruders
  4. Hope
  5. I See Who You Are
  6. I See Who You Are (Mark Bell Version)
  7. Innocence
  8. My Juvenile
  9. Pneumonia
  10. Vertebrae by Vertebrae
  11. Wanderlust

I See Who You Are
I see
who you are
behind the skin
and the muscles

i see
who you are now
and when you get older later
i will
see the same girl
seem so lioness firehart passionate lover

and afterwards
later this century
when you and i have become corpses

let's celebrate now
all this flesh on our bones
let me push you up against me tightly
and enjoy every bit of you

let's celebrate now
all this flesh on our bones
and enjoy every bit of you

let me in

i see who you are
let me see who you are

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