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Album: Volta (2007)
Artists: Bjork

  1. Declare Independence
  2. Dull Flame of Desire
  3. Earth Intruders
  4. Hope
  5. I See Who You Are
  6. I See Who You Are (Mark Bell Version)
  7. Innocence
  8. My Juvenile
  9. Pneumonia
  10. Vertebrae by Vertebrae
  11. Wanderlust

Dull Flame of Desire
I love your eyes, my dear
Their splendid sparkling fire

When suddenly you raise them so
To cast a swift embracing glance

Like lightning flashing in the sky
But there's a charm that is greater still

When my love's eyes are lowered
When all is fired by passion's kiss

And through the downcast lashes
I see the dull flame of desire

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