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Album: About A Burning Fire (2004)
Artists: Blindside

  1. "Eye of the Storm"
  2. about a burning fire
  3. Across waters again
  4. After you're gone
  5. All of us
  6. Die Buying
  7. Follow you down
  8. Hooray, Its L.A.
  9. Roads
  10. Shekina
  11. Swallow
  12. where the sun never dies

about a burning fire
After you're gone
I could not lie
Skin untouched growing thicker for every step unwalked
And I don't know if it's the cold intention-slide
Taking me down

But what if You'd sing me alive
I'm ready to give up the fight
Cause I'm just a stone
Right after You're gone

I could not lie
Even though dead skin like stone makes me ugly
It still pounds inside and it's red
And it's slipping through the grey cracks
And I know You know

But what if You'd sing me alive
I'm ready to give up the fight
Cause I'm just a stone
Right after You're gone

The first thing that meets the eye
When I crossover into the light
I want it to be You
Right after I'm gone

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