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Album: Miscellaneous (2003)
Artists: Yankovic Weird Al

  1. Addicted To Spuds
  2. Amish Paradise
  3. Cabletv
  4. Christmas At Ground Zero
  5. Gee I'm A Nerd
  6. Headline News
  7. Hooked On Polkas
  8. Let's Bomb Iraq
  9. Like A Surgeon
  10. Living With A Hernia
  11. My Bologna
  12. One More Minute

Yankovic Weird Al
Addicted To Spuds
-Guess what, Yep, another fine music lyric file by:

*Addicted to Spuds* by "Weird" Al Yankovic

Potato Skins
Potato Cakes
Hash Browns
And instant Flakes

Baked or broiled
Or french-fried
There's no kind
You have'nt tried

You planned a trip
To Idaho
Just to watch
Potatoes Grow

I understand
How you must feel
You can't deny
They've got appeal.

You like them whether
They're doughy or tough
Oh yeah!
Better face the facts
You know you can't get enough

You'd might as well face it you're
Addicted to spuds

You're greasy hands
You're salty lips
Looks like
You Found the chips

And Late at night
When you're asleep
You dream of bacon bits
And sour cream

Well You like them whether they're
Plain or they're stuffed
Oh Yeah!
Better face the facts
You know you can't get enough
You know you're gonna have to fact it
You're addcited to spuds

Might as well face it you're addicted to spuds
Might as well face it you're addicted to spuds
Might as well face it you're addicted to spuds...

-Weird al kicks ass!!!!!!

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