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Album: The Trees They Grow So High (1988)
Artists: Brightman Sarah

  1. Come you not from Newcastle?
  2. Dear Harp of my Country!
  3. Early one morning
  4. Fileuse
  5. How sweet the answer
  6. La belle est au jardin d'amour
  7. Little Sir William
  8. O can ye sew cushions?
  9. O Waly, Waly
  10. Oft in the stilly night
  11. Oliver Cromwell
  12. Quand j'étais chez mon père
  13. Sweet Polly Oliver
  14. The Ash Grove
  15. The last rose of summer
  16. The Plough Boy
  17. The trees they grow so high
  18. Voici le Printemps

Brightman Sarah
The Trees They Grow So High
Lorsque j'étais jeunette, je gardais les moutons,
Tirouli, Tiroula, Tirouli, Tiroulou.
Tirouli, Tiroula, Tirouli, rouli, roule.
N'étais jamais seulette à songer par les monts.
Tirouli ...
Mais d'autres bergerettes avex moi devisalent.
Tirouli ...
Parfois de sa musette un berger nous charmait.
Tirouli ...
Il nous faisait des rondes, joli' rondes d'amour.
Tirouli ...
Mais me voilà vieille, reste seule toujours.
Tirouli ...!


When I was a young girl I tended the sheep,
Tirouli, Tiroula, Tirouli, Tiroulou.
Tirouli, Tiroula, Tirouli, rouli, roule.
I never dreamt in solitude upon the mountainside.
Tirouli ...
But other young shepherdesses would talk with me.
Tirouli ...
Sometimes a shepherd would play the musette for our delight.
Tirouli ...
He would play pretty love dances for us.
Tirouli ...
Yet now I am old, and still on my own.
Tirouli ...!

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