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Album: Miscellaneous (1996)
Artists: Celtic Folk

  1. A Mans A Man For All That
  2. Air Fol Lol Lol Lo
  3. Athen Rye
  4. Auld Lang Syne
  5. Banks Of Newfoundland
  6. Black Velvet Band
  7. Blowing In The Wind
  8. Come Awa Hame Laddy
  9. Country Roads
  10. Dont Call Me Early In The Morning
  11. Eriskay Love Lilt
  12. Fiach Mchugh
  13. Heading For Halifax
  14. Heavy Water Plant Song
  15. Lewis Bridal Song
  16. Loch Lomond
  17. Mary Hamilton
  18. Mary Mack
  19. Mist Covered Mountains
  20. Nancy Whiskey
  21. Scarborough Fair
  22. Seven Old Ladies
  23. Skye Boat Song
  24. Summer Road
  25. The Island
  26. The Nightingale
  27. Uist Tramping Song
  28. Westering Home

Celtic Folk
Black Velvet Band

v.1 In a neat little town they call Belfast,
An apprentice to trade I was bound,
And manys the hour of sweet happiness
I spent in that neat little town.

v.2 Til a sad misfortune came over me,
and forced me to stray from the land,
far away from my friends and relations
Betrayed by the black velvet band


Her eyes they shone like the diamonds
You'd swear she was queen of the land,
and her hair hung over her shoulder,
tied up with a black velvet band

v.3 As I went out strolling one evening,
not intending to stray very far
I met with a frolicsome damsel
Plying her trade in the bar

v.4 A gold watch she clipped from a customer
and placed it right into my hand
On the very first day that I met her
Bad luck to the black velvet band

v.5 To judge and jury next morning
for trial I had to appear
and the judge he said my young fellow
the case against you is quite clear

v.6 I give you seven years penal servitude
To be spent far away from the land
Far away from your friends and relations
your going to *VanDamiens land


v.7 So come all you jolly young fellows
A warning take by me
When ever you're out on the liquor
Beware of the pretty colleens

v.8 For they will fill you with strong drink
until your not able to stand
and the very next thing that you know, me lads
you've landed in VanDamiens land

Note that Tasmania (Van Diemen's Land) is no longer an Australian
penal colony. Its use as such ceased some time ago. (:-)

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