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Album: The Ghosts That Haunt Me (1991)
Artists: Crash Test Dummies

  1. Androgynous
  2. At My Funeral
  3. Comin' Back Soon
  4. Comin' Back Soon (the Bereft Man's Song)
  5. Here On Earth (I'll Have My Cake)
  6. Superman's Song
  7. The Country Life
  8. The Ghosts That Haunt Me
  9. The Voyage
  10. Thick Necked Man
  11. Thick-necked Man
  12. Winter Song

Crash Test Dummies
The Ghosts That Haunt Me
Here On Earth (I'll Have My Cake)
Some folks say that life is just a veil of tears
Not me man I can't pack enough into these years
I don't care if it's spring summer winter or fall
Make no fuss about the seasons, 'cause I like 'em all

Here on earth I'll have my cake
Gonna eat it too, make no mistake
'Cause if it's a question of to be or not to be
I'll put on my boots and go see what I can see

My grandpa, well a good Christian life he led
Worked like a dog just to put a roof over his head
He said that when he died he'd get his reward
'Cause heaven's a place where you don't pay room & board

When I die, I hope I don't die too slow
But slow or quick, I hope heaven is the place I go
Old St. Pete's gonna serve me my pie in the sky
And I'll say "Pete, a side of ice cream, if you don't mind."

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