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Album: Fire Unknown Origin (1981)
Artists: Blue Oyster Cult

  1. After Dark
  2. Burnin' For You
  3. Don't Turn Your Back
  4. Fire Of Unknown Origin
  5. Heavy Metal: The Black And Silver
  6. Joan Crawford
  7. Sole Survivor
  8. Vengeance (The Pact)
  9. Veteran Of The Psychic Wars

Blue Oyster Cult
Fire Unknown Origin
Sole Survivor
( - E. Bloom - J. Trivers - L. Myers - )

There walked a lonely man
Silent, mute, the only man
Not knowing how not knowing why
Was he the sole survivor

Why should he be alive
breathing still while others died
And the only question-
Why was he the sole survivor?

Sole survivor, cursed with second sight
Haunted savior, cried into the night
Sole survivor, cursed with second sight
Haunted savior, cried into the night

Wind blew across the sand
He stood alone he had no plan
And with the last rays of the sun
He screamed aloud began to run

In his tears he sees his face
"I am the end of the human race
when I'm gone there'll be no trace
for I'm the sole survivor"

Sole survivor, cursed with second sight
Haunted savior, cried into the night
Sole survivor, cursed with second sight
Haunted savior, cried into the night

One night when years had passed
The skies shook from a fiery blast
And then a starship- saved at last
To come rescue the survivor

They beckoned him inside
But only now he would not ride
Instead he found a place to hide
For he's the sole survivor

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