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Album: Miscellaneous (1978)
Artists: AF1

  1. A Single Second
  2. At A Glance
  3. Clove Smoke Carthasis
  4. Coin Return
  5. Exsanguination
  6. God Called In Sick today
  7. Keeping Out Of Direct Sunlight
  8. Let It Be Broke
  9. Lower Your Head And Take It In The Body
  10. Malleus Maleficarum
  11. Midnight Sun
  12. Narrative Of Soul Against Soul
  13. New Patron Saints And Angels
  14. No Poetic Device
  15. Ph Low
  16. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
  17. Salt For Your Wounds
  18. Strength Through Wounding
  19. The Devil Loves You
  20. The Last Kiss
  21. The Prayer Posistion
  22. The Weathered Tome
  23. Third Season
  24. Three Reasons
  25. Three Seconds Notice
  26. Today's Lesson
  27. Triple Zero

Salt For Your Wounds
there's a tear in my heart where the blood ran out. there's a tear in my heart where the love ran out. i thought we worked, pushed toward the same ends, i'll never be so quick to trust again. disenchanted, disgusted, i regret that i trusted. i put my faith. my faith in you, you poisoned me through and through. i though we both shared the same injuries. now i've found it's you who injures me. my heart is cracked from being left out in the cold. i know you'll pay for what you've taken - tenfold. disenchanted, disgusted, i regret that i trusted. i put my faith. my faith in them, they twisted the knife further in.

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