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Album: Miscellaneous (2008)
Artists: Atrocity

  1. A Prison Called Earth
  2. Archangel
  3. B. L. U. T.
  4. Begotten Son (Of Wrath)
  5. Being Boiled
  6. Bloodlust (Undead Trance)
  7. Blue Blood
  8. Calling The Rain
  9. Das 11. Gebot
  10. Death Of Manolete *
  11. Defiance
  12. Deliverance
  13. Deliverance
  14. Der Mussolini
  15. Der Mussolini
  16. Die Todgeweihten
  17. Down Below
  18. Ever And Anon
  19. For Ever And A Day
  20. Gemini
  21. Goddess In Black
  22. Godless Years
  23. Humans Lost Humanity
  24. I'm In Darkness
  25. Introduction
  26. Land Beyond The Forest
  27. Let's Dance
  28. Liebesspiel
  29. Love Is Dead
  30. Miss Directed
  31. Moon - Struck
  32. Necropolis
  33. Parentalia
  34. Scorching Breath
  35. Seal Of Secrecy
  36. Seasons In Black
  37. Send Me An Angel

Blue Blood
Still being of Nobble Birth
Though having Oppressed the Earth
Being better off than all
Contrasting with the rabble
Still crowning each other
Insisting on the old manners
Celebrating splendid feasts
Representation of the states

REFRAIN: Blue Blood Nobility
Resist High Society !!!

Living in Gorgeos world
Having money and much gold
Stories in the gossip column
Showing up in a high position
Still possessing power and might
Being proud of their descent
Supported by the media
The blind crowds cheer them
REFRAIN: Blue Blood Nobility
Resist High Society !!!
Pride - Class - Hatred - Opalance - Arrogance
Take their jewels and their gold
Occupy their castles
Seize their landed property
Drive aristocrates away
Residing in a palace
Wearing expensive clothes
Peoples should be fascinated
But appearances are deceptive
Lies - Pulling Your Mind - Sham - Cheat

REFRAIN: Blue Blood Nobility
Resist High Society !!!

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