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Album: Pull (1993)
Artists: Arcwelder

  1. And Then Again
  2. Criminal
  3. Finish My Song
  4. It's A Wonderful Lie
  5. Just Not Moving
  6. Lahabim
  7. Raleigh
  8. Remember To Forget
  9. Truth
  10. What Did You Call It That For?
  11. Will When You Won't
  12. You

(w. graber)
And he says lahabim (i will know)
And he knows what that means
I heard a wise man lie
He knows what that should mean
He was his right hand man
Fought for the good of man
I watched this wise man die
He knows what that should mean

(don't be sad)

The group of seven falls
And question who's to blame
I watched this river die
He knows what that should mean
He was his left hand fool
Fought for the good of man
I watched this wise man die
He knows what that should mean


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