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Album: Siba Kallab (2009)
Artists: Marwan Gedeon

  1. Forever In My Mind

Marwan Gedeon
Siba Kallab
Forever In My Mind
Do you believe in friendship,
That one which lasts forever?
Do you believe in friends devotion,
No matter the circumstances?

I can't forget all the time
we spent studying together
I always felt so close but
there was always fear.

I never stopped wandering why
do I get jealous when they stop
and stare or talk to you ,Siba .
Did I come in the wrong time?

You know the time you asked me
what do I think of you?Well,

that's what SIBA is all about.
Only loosers can't like you this way.

My only dream was to make you smile
I guess I couldn't do it.
Trying to make you ready to hear me
ended up with failure, I think.

only twice in my life
have I held your hand.
Sorry girl, but I can't
get you of my mind.

Maybe one day you'll hear my song
you'll call me on the phone(620228)
and you'll tell me what's the cure
'cause I can't get you out of my mind.

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