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Album: Nearly Human (1989)
Artists: Rundgren Todd

  1. Can't Stop Running
  2. Feel It
  3. Fidelity
  4. Hawking
  5. I Love My Life
  6. Parallel Lines
  7. The Waiting Game
  8. The Want Of A Nail
  9. Two Little Hitlers
  10. Unloved Children

Rundgren Todd
Nearly Human
Can't Stop Running
Time marches on
I learn to crawl, I learn to walk
You couldn't stop me from running
Stop me from running
Before I heard my name
Before I learned to talk
I knew I was running to something
Running to something
Into the arms of my god

Time marches on
And I awaken to the world
And I'm still running to something
Running to something far away
Unseen by the others in the herd
I'm only running to something
Running to something
Into the arms of my dream

I can't stop running
I can't stop running
I have a vision of myself breaking the finish line string
I still can hear it
This dream is calling
So I'll keep running

Time marches on
I start to trip, I start to fall
And now I'm running from something
Running from something on my tail
Can't turn to look, can't hear the call
I'm only running from something
Running from something
Running in fear I will fail

Time marches on and on
And the strength to run may soon be gone
Now I watch the young ones coming
And it's on their legs I'm running
Into the arms of my god

Can you hear it? Can you hear it?
Feet don't fail me now

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